Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on July 21, 2010
"I refelect on some of the pets I've had, all who have brought me happiness."
Your First Pet
The Power of PetsMark Hudson
The first pet I ever had was a dog
But the second pet I had was a frog
I picked up my frog at Camp Timberlee
Brought it home in a jar with glee
I put it in an aquarium so nice to see
But I accidently let it go free
A friend in the 4th grade gave the advice,
" Bring your frog to Florida, that would be nice!
You can let your frog bask in the sun!"
And so he ran away, that little one.
My dog was always a loving creature,
And as for humility, a great teacher.
She loved our family, no matter what we did.
The dog I had since I was a kid.
Then I lived on my own and I could only have fish,
They kept me sane but I still had a wish.
For something I could hold in my arms and pet,
To replace the dog we put to sleep at the vet.
I now have a guinea pig, named Twitches I love,
And surely she seems a gift from above.
Given by a family who could care for her no more,
I adopted her and taking care of her is no chore.
Animals give love when humans forget,
Boy am I grateful that I have a pet!
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