Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on October 4, 2010
"A true story about getting stuck in a swamp"
Car story on Martha's Vineyard
I didn't even learn to drive in high school, and I still don't, because I messed up that much. But I do have a funny story about a car. One time, when I was eighteen, I spent a summer on Martha's Vineyard with my aunt and uncle and worked at an Italian pizzeria.I had the day off, and so did my aunt's brother, john. So we decided to get a case of beer and go to the local nude beach. We drove to the area where it was, and then the parking places were terribly expensive. So John found a secret swampy area to park in, and the car sank into the swamp. John said, " Well let's not worry about that now, let's just enjoy the day." So we went to the beach, drank beers, swam in the ocean with fifteen foot waves that threw you back on the beach, and watched nude people walk by. Then it was time to go. our car was stuck in the swamp and we couldn't get it out. So a truck from New york came by, saw our dillema, and said, " Here, I got some rope," and he tied it to the back bumper of our car and pulled us out of the swamp. We said, " Thanks," and I said, " New York rocks!" and it was a fun summer.More writing by this author
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