Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on October 25, 2010
"Haven't travelled much, but this was quite a memorable one for me. the friend i travelled with is dead, so i look back with fond and sad memories"
On the Reservation
I went to a navajo reservation,And i didn't have a reservation.
I just had a friend from school when I was young,
And i couldn't speak the navajo tongue.
Need i say the father was polish and Italian,
And the grandfather rode a horse like a stallion.
when I got to the rez he had a question for me,
" When you came here, what did you expect to see?"
" Indians crawling through bushes," i replied,
and he laughed so hard tears came to his eyes.
I was just a kid from thesuburbs where money was king,
And on the reservation, they barely had a thing.
We then went to las vegas, and i was fourteen,
Some of the people there were quite mean.
Two people standing on a corner threatened us,
But didn't beat us up, but still would cuss.
Then a car of hillbillies called us names from their car,
It was a place of despair, that left some a scar.
One night on the rez i fell into a deep sleep,
My friend dressed as an Indian and began to creep.
I woke up, and said, " What can this be?"
He had a bow and arrow pointed at me."
He said, " You stole the land, and now you must pay,'
He scared me a little on that day.
It was just a joke, but a lesson i learned,
The Native americans really got burned.
That was back in the eightie's so far back,
A lot has changed, and it is a fact.
I'm almost forty, and i've outlived many,
With the recession everyone's searching for pennies.
Maybe it's time that the american dream,
Became well-known it's not what it seems.
We need a leader who is fair and just,
And that's why i say, " In God we trust!'
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