Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Doo-Da stamps
E.F. Higgins the 3rd founder of Doo Da stampsby Mark Hudson
In the ninetie's, i was on a train trip to Canada sitting in the drinking section having a cigarette when a drunk man came in. He said he was an artist and a writer. "Oh sure," I thought. but then i told him I was an artist and a writer, and asked if we could collaborate. He gave me his adress, and said he was the founder of the Doo Da stamp art movement. I thought he was joking, but i decided to look him up. Turns out, it's true(you can probably google him on the internet.) he really did make stamps, but for decoration, not to use as postage. i ordered a bunch just for fun, and some postcards too before i ever got my own computer.
he spent summers in Michigan and one summer he sent me a letter on a paper plate. he was really into creative art. it was through him that I met Wes Wallace, a magazine writer who discovered E.F by finding some of his art in a garbage can in Rhode island art school. He put out a magazine called Wingnut, and i put some art and writing into it. He eventually had to go back to school to be a doctor, though.
Google E.F Higgins and you might find his name. and check out his stamp art! Maybe you can bring him some business if he is still around.
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