Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on June 6, 2011
"a man's home is his castle"
Keeping my apartment clean
I live in a subsidized housing program and i used to live in a less dependent apartment situation where i had to have inspections. i would always flunk. But i somehow was able to move on to a more independent apartment where i no longer have a room mate. My apartment is my castle and i don't always keep it cleean, but it's set up just the way i want with my pet guinea pig right next to my drawing board, my couch in front of my dvd player and stereo, two bookcases, my kitchen, my bedroom with two computers, and artwork i've collected over the years. my job, to keep it clean. it's not easy! men of genius are always scatterbrained. but the better organized i get, the cooler my art studio will be!More writing by this author
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