Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on July 25, 2011
"different exercises in writing groups"
the letter x
We always have a free write at one of my writing groups to start writing and before we write things to read back to the group. this is just our personal free write to get the warmed up so i know what you mean when you say free write. in a writing group i was just in someone picked a letter to come up with as many letters toi come up with the letter x and that is one of the hardest letters to do. people came up with x-ray and xenophobic, x-rated and xylophone, etc. and some people cheated and said ex-con and ex-communication, which i don't think really counts as x. then we tried to put together a story with the words we created. and using x it was a real challenge. i recently led a prompt workshop and i used the same technique, but people could pick their own letter.More writing by this author
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