Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on September 5, 2011
"comments on the topic we are discussing"
Team america
a lot of things require teamwork to accomplish. my jr. year in high school psychology teacher said that most people in the business world grew up playing football. that is where they learned to work on a team. when i was a child, i wasn't a sporto. i was an artist. i spent most of my childhood teaching myself how to draw. i remember in 5th grade my jock friends would say, "How are your imaginary friends" because i would create comic strips with my cartoon characters. i like to take art and writing classes, because it's not so lonely that way.i am trying to find some part-time work. one thing employees want to know is if you can work with a team. working with a team is hard. your boss might tell you to do something that doesn't make sense but you have to do it anyway. where i live, i picked up a saturday paper, and the headline was ZERO. zero jobs added in august by employers. The recession is bad, and it may not get better. when people are unemployed, they can't enjoy the time off because they are worried about the future. it is labor day weekend, which is always a long, boring weekend for me. it would've almost been better if i had been working, making cash. so many things were closed. but when you are a writer, you are always working, and rarely getting paid. so just enjoy each minute of life, every breath, every provision. in America, we have a lot of provision compared to some countries, although we don't always appreciate it. keep the government in your prayers. we live in a country where we're allowed to criticize our leaders openly. and boy do people take adavantage of it. being the president of the us. will never be an easy job again. i tend to dislike the government and feel it's the everyday people that make this country great. but our leaders are humans too. get out and vote in the next election. elections always make me nervous. what could be the fate of our country? america needs to get it's team mentality back. i heard someone on friday say everybody in america is out for themselves. that is too bad. let's get our old ways back. what do you think?
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