Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on February 13, 2012
"The writing prompt leads to a poem about Donald Trump, don't ask me how or why"
Donald Trump
Laura picked up the lampthe air was cold and damp
It used to belong to her gramps
who recently turned into a vamp
Her grandpa was once an umpire
Now he'd become a vampire
with help from jerry macGuire
and Donald trump said "You're fired."
Donald Trump's hair caught on fire
causing him to perspire
Turns out it was really a wig
Sudenly he wasn't so big.
All his rugs provided by Empire
Like the state building where he'd retire
Although before he made his descent
He had to deal with the 99 percent.
He couldn't make it as a politician
Because he created too much suspicion
And could he be someone's grandpop?
All the tabloids told him to stop
His hair was gray as his worker's mop
And there was no store he didn't shop
The hair police turned into the cops
And ordered him to go to a barber shop
They cut his hair against his will
And he was too cheap to pay the bill
But they found a computerized brain
Slowly driving him insane!
Turns out Donald Trump is from Mars
Where spaceships are fancier than cars
And if you think your grandad's a loon
Try this one-next stop, Neptune!
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