Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on April 29, 2012
"If my sister's dog Spot could talk"
Spot Forgot
Well, first of all, last night I had a dream that flashbacked to my childhood dog. my childhood dog was part golden retriever, but her fur was completely black. my uncle mainly got it for my sister, but eventually the family saw it as "my dog."now, my sister has two kids and they have a dog named Spot, who is I belive part retriever and also poodle, and has black fur. i guess by having the dream i realized how much history repeats itself, especially since my niece and nephew seem to be a carbon copy of my sister and i when we were younger(I was the first-born male, my sister was second, my nephew was the first-born, my niece the second etc.) when i went to florida to fly with my family to visit my parents, Spot(my sister's dog) didn't recognize me, and barked like crazy like a guard dog.
She wouldn't stop barking until my brother-in-law got a migraine headache. i got
a headache, too. but by the next day, spot forgot and greeted me like a member of the family, opening his belly to be scratched. so perhaps that is what my poem will be about.
Spot Forgot
Mark Hudson
"In case you forgot, you don't live here!
Who is this visitor, threatening my masters?"
"Oh,no, Spot, you musn't fear!
There are no forseeable disasters!"
"Forgive my bark, and my whimpering sneer!
I'd even bark if you were a pastor!"
"Come now, Spot, have some cheer!
We're leaving on the trip much faster!"
"Mother Meridith has to steer!
Her car must drive like a rocket blaster!"
"We'll be safe, but you'll stay here!
We'll be in Florida, and we'll be last here!"
Ashley says, "Can't we bring Spot?"
My sister says, "I'm afraid not!"
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