Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on October 21, 2012
"There really is a place called Unicorn cafe in Evanston, Illinois"
The unicorn cafe in Evanston llinois
The Unicorn CafeMark Hudson
In Evanston, where I live, the town where I stay,
a coffee shop haunts every corner hear and there.
One of these places is the Unicorn cafe,
where Northwestern students study and prepare.
One time a friend brought his guitar to play,
sat in a corner singing, and no one seemed to care.
He thought that playing music was something that could pay,
but if you heard him sing, it might give you a scare.
It's not my favorite coffee shop, but it is okay,
coffee tastes the same to me, it gives you chest hairs.
Maybe I can go in there, maybe I will one day,
But all the colege students, are more than I can bear.
I wouldn't mind dating a professor's daughter,
But most college students cheaply order water!
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