Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on November 4, 2012
"If you can laugh, great! try not to cry!"
Either way we're doomed
Either way we're doomedMark Hudson
Vote for Romney, or Obama,
there is no way to escape the drama.
Everybody wants to leave the U.S,
that's how much we're under stress.
This may be the best country there could be,
But we're doomed with Obama, or Romney.
Have you ever heard of a politician
who was honest, without suspicion?
Mormons have some strange views,
like covering up ancestors in the news.
Some say Romney is a family man,
but how many wifes can belong to a clan?
Some say socialism is Obama's goal,
But the hair gets grayer as things take toll!
They pretend to care about the hurricane,
but all they really care about is the campaign!
Obama embraces a displaced lady,
While Romney will take us back to the eighties!
The homeless crisis started with Reagan,
we'll all be starving, not just vegan!
Homeless or hopeless, these colors don't bleed,
but pretty soon, most people will smoke weed!
The television will be obsolete,
because we'll all be living in the street!
So who will be watching all of those ads?
Voting will be one of those old fads!
It won't be an option, sooner or later,
who will be our next dictator?
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