Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on November 26, 2012
"In America we are truly blessed, no nation has more than us and no nation is less grateful. I heard some wealthy young people yesterday talking about how miserable they are. the only true key to happiness is God."
Black friday library
Black Friday lullabyMy favorite art store was having a sale,
I knew from the ad that came in the mail.
I went early to "spin the wheel,
to get a prize and get a deal.
I won a package of three tubes of paint,
I was grateful, I had no complaint.
I got on the train, and saw with a fright,
What a rip-off! the tubes were white!
They picked the most generic color,
nothing on Earth could be any duller.
Then I realized my white was running low,
and it was a need, so I reaped so I'd sow.
Later, on, I met Chris at the cafe,
it was so crowded, we didn't stay.
He wanted to go to a restaurant,
getting dinner was kind of his want.
We went to Lucky Platter, for good food,
But thanksgiving leftovers let me brood.
I didn't want to spend, but it was worth it,
the food was great, and I didn't deserve it.
We then went back to the art store for more,
I got 20 percent off a pencil I adore.
Off to the skokie library I went,
I lost the pencil by accident.
It fell out of a hole in my bag,
When I found out, it sure was a drag.
I got home and discovered the loss,
called the art store to talk to the boss.
I asked if i could replace the item with my reciept,
she said, "mention my name, they'll replace it for free."
So that night I bragged about the store,
planning on bringing them business, much more.
I went in confidenty to replace with no price,
but the manager on duty said, "No dice."
I ended up buying the same product twice,
and suddenly, I wasn't feeling so nice!
I walked down the street like an angry guy,
I went to the library, wondering why?
I saw an ad for a Chicago Tribune
journalist speaking, coming up soon.
He wrote a book on poverty,
And how this country can break free.
I wrote the information down,
And planned to be there, and stick around.
then I went to the restroom below,
a homeless man was in there, nowhere to go,
his shoes and jacket were on the ground,
mumbling to himself, came out sounds,
"Everybody's got insurance but me,"
A perfect example of poverty.
So what do I have to be grateful for?
What I have, I shouldn't want more.
All blessings come from the great creator,
and he saves the best for much, much later!
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