Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on December 3, 2012
"time travel is an interesting topic for science fiction. But hopefully none of us would be expected to be reincarnated or live another live on this planet, there are way better things in store"
Tick, Tock, doomsday? hopefully not
FringeMark Hudson
My favorite Tv show is Fringe, but then again I don't watch much TV.
I like how science fiction in this day and age is not far-fetched.
I like the fact that the hero is a mentally ill mad scientist, and he
is the hero, and he's a brilliant scientist, yet he forgets the names
of his co-workers. I am an adult mental health consumer who lives
in illinois, and some people say they have the worst support here.
But I simply know that that's not true. I'm fortunate to be where
I'm at, because psychiartic hospitals are like prisons. In the show
Fringe, science creates amazing things, and because of my lack
of knowledge of science, I don't know what is real and what is
far-fetched. The show created an interest to me in science, and
I subscribe to Smithsonian magazine. Some of the science
man is doing is amazing, but bottom line, nobody can outdo
In Fringe, Walter is a scientist who has crossed to an alternate universe, as if he played the role of father time. Obviously, television is crazy these days, and it is inspiring a whole new generation of writer's imaginations. I even read of a school for writers that includes practical for would-be science fiction writers, to know what is realistic, and not realistic. But with the one and only universal God, anything is possible. And I'm going to disclose a secret for you, he is good!
If you want to hear more of my opinions on this, my next poem scheduled to be published at Illinoispoets.org is a poem called Science vs. religion. I don't know if it's up yet, but it will be soon. remember, there may be no Dr. Who in real life, but God is even more powerful, he's everywhere, and the good news is he loves us. He's not a dark god that some cultures have had. Wish all happy holidays, and a safe new year. I doubt the Mayans were correct, but they were just people that God made, we're all entitled to be right or wrong from time to time.
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