Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on January 7, 2013
"Simple! The abc's of art"
The Abc's of art
The ABC's of artA is for art, you can draw,
B is for brush, I'm a southpaw.
C is for cartoon, you look like,
D is for drawing, when a thought strikes.
E is for educational tools,
F is for those who think we're fools,
G is for gesso, used to paint,
H is for the hell we go through as saints.
I is for a great imagination,
J is for just pure perspiration,
K is for kleenex, when tears arrive,
L is for a life that is hard to survive.
M is for madness, to live this way,
N is for nudes, that some paint all day,
O is for orange, a rare color,
p is for pot, that makes artists duller,
Q is for questions, normies ask,
R is for reasons we'd do this task,
S is for sticking to the job,
T is for tough times, try not to rob,
U is for underpaid artists,
V is for vacations we earned the hardest,
W is for waiting for a ship to come in,
X is stuff that The G category isn't in,
Y is y do it? It's a terrible waste,
Z is for zoo, an art gallery with taste.
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