Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on January 28, 2013
"There was an ice storm in the Chicago land area. My poem is based on a true story. I don't believe I exaggerated anything in my poem!"
Ice storm)
Ice StormMark Hudson
Yesterday there was supposed to be an ice storm in January,
and I was attending a workshop at the local library.
We were supossed to discuss surrealist poems,
I wondered if I should've just stayed at home.
The leader of the group was ten minutes late,
we wondered if he had forgot the date.
But then he came in, too cold to perspire,
He said his bicycle got a flat tire.
Considering he rode all the way from the west side,
that must've been one heck of a ride.
We found out Picasso was a poet as well,
I'd like to read some, he probably could tell
tales as imaginative as his art,
The poetry workshop was off to a start.
As we met, we heard there was hail,
and the library could've felt like a jail.
People wrote things about being alone or stuck,
I got a ride home though, it sure was good luck.
By now, the ice storm was starting to occur,
As we stepped outside everything was a blur.
I got a ride from a kind fellow driver,
If I rode the train, would I have been a survivor?
The workshop could've been better or worse,
but I'm grateful to the leader who talked about verse.
We did not envy his bike ride home,
sometimes you must pay a price for poems.
In the car, I volunteered to scrape,
I scraped off the windows, so we could escape.
The lady who drove said, "You earned your ride!"
I got home and it was warm inside.
I climbed into bed and went to bed early,
so why did I wake up, feeling so surly?
It's a brand new day, the ice storm is gone,
I just have to avoid the puddles on lawns!
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