Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on March 11, 2013
"When I told people I was going to be an artist and writer, they said, "You're going to starve.' The Bible says, "If you don't work, you don't eat." But the truth is I'm overweight, and I could use some starvation, just to lose some pounds"
I'm a pie kind of guy
I'm a pie kind of guyMark Hudson
Every birthday, as the years go by,
my mother makes banana cream pie.
I eat fried rice and Chinese chicken wings,
these are a few of my favorite things.
Pizza Pie is also a winner,
I never mind eating that for dinner.
I'm not a sweeth tooth like most,
I'd rather eat meat, or maybe a roast.
The truth is you can't see my plate,
some people tell me I'm overweight.
Sometimes this kind of hurts my feelings,
my stomach is always groaning and squealing.
We're told that in America obesity is an issue,
and one day we'll run out of toilet tissue!
I thing our problem is judging others,
It's easy to look at the sins of another.
Some girls starve just to look thin,
I guess that is sexy, and that what is in.
but once they are married, and have offspring,
they'll be eating some chicken wings.
And they'll gain lots of weight, and lose beauty,
The husband must be faithful, it's his duty.
So would I want a wife who couldn't cook?
I might not be a "catch' I look like a crook.
Woman say I'd be better-looking by losing weight,
but if they'd just leave me alone-it'd be great!
I'm confident in my ablity to write and do art,
So serve me some apple pie-may i have a la cart?
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