Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on May 29, 2013
"War is never the answer? But has anybody throughout
history considered that?"
history considered that?"
God hates war
God hates warGod hates war, but he allows it,
personally, I could do without it.
We are in a spiritual battle,
pretty soon, we'll be branded as cattle.
Fighting for the freedom we protect,
but we're taught to be politically correct.
Aparrrently, Obama is censoring textbooks,
college might make people question those crooks.
Is it me, but are we all getting dummer?
I know what Obama did this summer.
He got in a mess with the Irs,
and like Nixon, he just won't confess.
Everybody here, bragged he was the best,
now they don't discuss him, he hasn't confessed.
I wrote a political poem for a poetry contest,
it couldn't win, cause the truth would attest.
Welcome to the world of 1984,
The antiChrist is knocking at your door.
Maybe that sounds a little bit chilling,
but aren't we doing most of the killing?
Obama hails the Saudi King,
Vets can't get a job at Burger king.
Obama says, "yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll create jobs,"
but the only place hiring is the mob!
I'd really hate to be in his position,
am I in any way wrong about my suspicion?
You can't fool everybody always," says Bob Marley,
but Obama is acting more like Chris Farley!
And I know I'll probably recieve a death threat,
that's what I get for standing up for vets.
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