Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on June 4, 2013
"a commentary on the breakdown of education in America"
Graduation into Madness
The termination of the art schools in EvanstonNoyes Cultural School and Evanston art center are facing closure, due to the greed of the city.
They want to tear down these historical icons and build a hotel for the wealthy. same thing
as the mayor of Chicago, he is closing down schools for inner city children, to build a fancy
hotel for the wealthy. i guess they've given up on kids in the inner city and don't even think
they should bother going to school. these areas are already riddled with poverty, crime,
and drugs. and Evanston is getting more and more like Chicago. Northwestern, the
business school of greed, payes no taxes in the town, and everybody loves our school,
and northwestern is where the rich kids go, drink beer weekend after weekend, then
when they graduate they move back home to sponge more money off their rich
parents. they all major in business, and create a race of human clones(I don't hate
all northwestern students, my grandfather went there, and i' have a few friends
who went there. But i don't know if i can take this area much longer if they
take away my schools, i learned so much about art and other topics, and the
government is dumbing us down and using censorship techniques so they
think we won't know they'e screwing us over. So my message to college
graduates? mom and dad haven't changed the furniture in your bedroom,
and that's where you are moving back to!(With debts that will take a lifetime
to pay.) Sorry this is so negative. i'm probably in a bad mood because i have
new neighbors who have a newborn baby, and the baby was up crying all
night long, and I did not sleep one wink, not one. but be optimistic. there
is always hope, change, but don't expect it from the government.
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