Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MarkHudson on August 12, 2013
"I bought an item at a store that was on sale and they tried
to charge me full-price. I think they do it all the time,
and it wouldn't surprise me if they do it on purpose and
rush eerybody through the line so they don't know."
to charge me full-price. I think they do it all the time,
and it wouldn't surprise me if they do it on purpose and
rush eerybody through the line so they don't know."
Take your time at the grocery line
Take your time at the grocery lineMark Hudson
You should take time at the grocery store
to make sure the cashier does right.
If people complain feel free to ignore
it's your money, you deserve to be tight.
I found organic celery a dollar for
each bundle if you purchased it right.
But the cashier tried to charge me more
because her register was off by a slight.
I told her to check with her boss or
she'd find out why I was uptight.
I stayed calm, did not create war
I didn't want a big fight.
It turned out I was charged the proper amount,
They try to rush people who cannot count!
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