Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Pork on May 20, 2012
"This post is a Grab Bag which uses the following words: involved, collide, eviction, cold turkey, simile"
They Come and They Go
He had got involved with this chick while he was working for Coca-Cola. She was the head secretary and had legs for days. Jim would collide into her world one Friday. He knocked her down by accident while tripping over an untied shoestring. She was real classy, giggling like it was nothing. She offered to buy him lunch and he accepted.They went on a dozen dates than she moved in with him. She had an eviction notice and offered some sob story. She showed her upper thigh and batted her eyes. They were roommates within an hour. She had so much stuff that he gave her both closets and moved his stuff into the basement. He felt like the simile, busy as a bee, cleaning up her messes and cooking every night. She treated him like the maid and she was the fair princess who got cranky as if a pea was under her mattress. She was too cool to clean, cook, or be seen in public with him. She called him, "Ewok Jones." Her parents turned their noses up at him.
He tried to go cold turkey and stop drinking Scotch but the more she moaned and groaned, the more he hit the bottle. One day, he had drunk two full bottles of Scotch. His stomach hurt so bad, she called the ambulance. They kept him and actually pumped his stomach. Alcohol poisoning was the culprit. He didn't want to drink so much. It made him want to hurt her or himself.
"Get out of my house." She told him one day.
"Your house?"
"Did I stutter?"
He left and didn't come back until after her new boyfriend had left.
"You can have this place. I didn't pay the rent this month anyway."
"You idiot, now what am I supposed to do?"
"I hope you sprout horns and the devil sucks your behind into the earth and you burn for eternity." He laughed and poured himself some scotch.
"You old drunk, I never wanted you. I just wanted a place to stay. I got men for days after me. You don't know how to treat a lady."
"When I see a lady, I will treat her like one. When I see a bulldog, I tend to treat it as such."
"Bulldog? I am getting out of here. You need AA. Drinking ain't your thang, you old bum."
She left that night. He put all his stuff back in his closets and he poured out half the scotch.
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