Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by John Thunscorpe on August 20, 2010
"Not much to say for this one, feel free to comment on what you think. Thanks.
Food for Thought: Warfare, Video-games vs. Real Life
Playing video games on the computer, all seems to be as real as it gets. In a first person shooter, you round a corner to find a man ready to shoot you. Adrenaline pumps through, you click your mouse and make sure to take him down first. Much of the time you may not succeed. Instead of a dead enemy in front of you, it is you that is dead. Yet 'dead' is hardly a word truly known in the the world of computer games. You will always respawn, or can simply load your game and return to previous conditions.We forget however, the truth when it comes to real life, in the real world. That adrenaline pumping through each and everyone of us in the battlefield, the terror of the situation, the fear of dying, is all quite real and alive in our minds. And many of us...do not survive.
Just something to think about.
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