Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Of Quills and Quarrels
by Sylavashthis is parts of a story I have been working on, creative criticism requested

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylavash on January 13, 2008
"This is the first little section of a story I am writing, I think I have good basis, but haven't seen where it will lead. How do you like it?"
Of Quills and Quarrels
There he hung, chained to the wall like her, in this dark prison with no windows. Only the light from a single torch burned. Elric Delshman, he had called himself. He had been chained in there only today, though he held his head lower, leaned against the chains harder, groaned just audibly, and when he looked at her, he had tears in his eyes, not of pain but of pity for her. She felt no pity for him, she knew he was chained the same as she was, and although it was uncomfortable, it was far from as bad, as he made it look. Just looking at him made her sick, she had the curse of being chained across from him, in this prison. She had been brought in the day before him, and saw them bring him in, prancing like a prince at a ball. They laughed and mocked him, and then chained him there and walked away. Noticing how they chained him she got an idea, though the way he hung there despicable, she wasn’t sure he wanted to get out, or would be helpful in an attempt.“Hey there, girl” Elric whispered, “hey! What’s a pretty one like you doing in a fowl place like this?” He inquired, slowly easing the tension on his chains and looking at her with some sense of self respect.
She new his type, these hours he’d been playing the injured lamb. He probably had a plan to get himself out of here… hmm… or was she giving him too much credit? Well one way to find out. She softened her eyes, “I suppose that there is a thing called being too cute,” She giggled, “or at least I think that is what the guy said.” She lied to him. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure why she had been caught; she had been just leaving a friends house and caught unawares in the city.
“Well don’t worry, pretty thing. I’ll get us both out of here soon.” He looked at his chains, as though he wondered why they hadn’t fallen off yet. He turned towards the wall that held his chains and knocked on the wall, nothing happened. He turned to the other side, knocked on the wall, nothing happened. Looking down at his arms and the chains that bound him he tucked his thumb into his hand, curled his hand up, and tried pulling it through the cuff that held him. He succeeded easily, pulling his hand free, and succeeded again and pulled the other arm free. Taking a heroic stance, he looked over at her. He walked over and took every luxury of seeing what was there of the girl.
She almost knocked him out at that moment. This was not the time for that; how full of himself is this guy? She held herself back and tried to restrain herself. All she needed was for him to get her out of here and she would be gone. Once past they were through two doors, they would be outside, then she could leave him or clobber him which ever she wanted. She smiled daintily up at him, “I don’t think my wrist will fit through the cuffs… mine must be tighter then yours were.” It was no lie hers were digging into her skin almost to the point of bleeding, mostly because she had struggled when they brought her in, and his were loose because he acted as though he were a king allowing them to chain him.
“Ah my pretty, there shall be no need.” Elric whispered, taking her hand in his. “For I, among other things, am a master lock pick” and as though it were magic the cuffs fell off in his hands. “Now pretty one may I know thy name or shall I give you one?”
Again resisting the urge to knock him flat, she calmly looked up at him, “You may call me…” She hesitated, “You can call me… Jade”

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylavash on January 16, 2008
"We meet all of our main characters, what shall become of them?"
Of Quills and Quarrels prt 2
Again resisting the urge to knock him flat, she calmly looked up at him, “You may call me…” She hesitated, “You can call me… Jade”Elric looked at her quizzically, that is either a wealthy name, or a natural name, though humans took few natural names. If it were that she was rich then he may like to tag along with her for a bit longer then a fortnight. He would have to find out. “My name, my dear lady is Elric Delshman,” he stated striking a heroic pose.
“Well my dear Jade let us not waste time;” he continued, “lets get out of here before dusk” Elric flourished. He must take extra care if he wants to get a reward for rescuing her. “Take care now, ahead it shall be dangerous just stay close and stay behind me.”
Elric approached the door with care, the surprise of there escape must not be dampened. Holding his ear to the door he listened carefully, faint groans and ragged breath he could hear from the other side, no doubt from two different people although who and how strong he could not tell. Looking at the handle, he saw only a simple lock that he quickly and silently undid. Unarmed surprise was his only weapon, Elric worried, especially with the dead weight of a prissy rich girl, pretty though she was, she probably couldn’t help him at all, and he wasn’t going to count on anything from her either.
Opening the door swiftly and darting toward the area where he knew the first person was he blindly struck out.
“Wait!” Jade cried. Just the single word put a moment of hesitation in Elric’s fist and made him look at what he was about to hit, only then did he notice the man was barely conscious, and badly beaten. Elric quickly tried to side step and recover his form, but tripped into the second man who was only slightly improved then the first and was able to sit up enough to dodge out of the way of the oncoming rescuer, leaving Elric to fall head first into a corner.
While Elric was recovering, trying to make a smooth motion as though he meant to fall, Jade quickly undid the bounds, which held the first captive whispering softly to him just inaudible to Elric. The first was at a glance a half-orc. Large, bulky and strong, at a glance you could tell that he was to be a formidable opponent. The remnants of his clothes, torn as they were, had ghastly bright colors of Yellow over Red, yet, remarkably clean. The Second seemed to be a Dwarf. He had a look of an aristocrat even as he sat there. His garments were now torn but were well taken care of. He still wore countless necklaces of silver and had rings on each of his hands.
“Hello there sir, lets get out of here” Jade whispered loosing the half orc.
“What a pretty and young one to come rescue me” Softly he spoke. “I am Saltar and I am deeply indebted to you.”
“I am Jade but we can talk later. Lets get out of here stay quiet and follow me,” appealed Jade, quickly moving to talk with the second captive that Elric had just freed. “Hello sir” Jade said taking the Dwarfs hands and rubbing the circulation back into them.
“Hello young one, so kind of you to help me.” He replied trying to stand.
“Can you stand? Are you able to escape with us?” Jade questioned helping to steady the Dwarf.
“I fear” He Stumbled, “I am slightly worst for wear my ankle will not hold me.” The Dwarf sighed. “Leave with out me, when I am healed I shall leave also”
“If you do not mind” interjected Saltar sensing the pride of this man, “I shall help you out, with us,” holding a hand out to help the Dwarf.
“I accept your kindness sir, lead the way young one.” The Dwarf gestured to Jade.
Once the Dwarf and half-orc were free Elric quietly moved to the next door, knowing that it led outside. No locks did he find on the door none fastened at least. No one had thought that the ones held captive would escape he supposed. Elric looked back at the fellow captives who were all now standing quietly behind him waiting to get out.
Elric listened quietly, trying to hear every bird and ant out side. He didn’t like being with out a weapon. He felt his side wishing that he at least had his back up knife but there was nothing.
“Hey Hero, wait a moment” Saltar called quietly. “Check that wall over there,” Saltar motioned to the closest wall. “I think they hid your things there”
Though doubtful, that the half-orc would be helpful but Elric needed something with which to fight. He quickly searched the wall but found nothing but a stone wall. “There is nothing here” Elric fumed, “quit wasting time, I will get us out of here”
“Wait” the Dwarf said, standing and hobbling over to the wall, just a few steps from Elric. He ran his fingers down the stone and put his fingers into a tiny crevice. Lightly pulling a small stone door, “here, hold this open,” commanded the Dwarf pushing the stone door into Elric’s hands.
Walking into the small catacomb picking up a cross bow and rapier, the Dwarf handed them out to Elric. “Your weapons hero?” the Dwarf questioned. Elric immediately rearmed himself feeling more self assured. “And the pretty one,” the Dwarf passed along a sling, and a quarter staff and a silver sun medallion. Picking up the last of the items, exiting the catacomb, the dwarf passed Saltar the heavy mace and seemed content with his war axe.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylavash on February 5, 2008
"we start to find out what is going on in here, and maybe a bit more mistery"
Of Quills and Quarrels Part 3
Crossbow in hand Elric turned back to the door. Slowly he opened the lever and pushed the door open, and instantly spun outside and evaluated the situation. Dodging out into the paddock Elric spied the grounds the door led out into a small enclosed paddock. There were two areas the first was a small blacksmith area made to shoe horses, mend old tools and create new. The second was a small corral with a single small pony, scrawny and gaunt. In the smithing area there were two goblins there was a third goblin in the pasture area and a forth and fifth guarding another door.Elric dodged into the paddock aimed for the first unaware goblin with his crossbow. Taking a direct hit into the side, the goblin stumbled backwards into the second. Quickly moving through the door and into the fray Jade attacked with her quarter staff onto the goblin in the head falling him unconscious. The second goblin realizing the situation turned to attack Jade just barely blocked by the quarter staff.
Watching the fray breakout the forth goblin moves toward the pony in the pasture, Spooking the pony into rearing barely missing the goblin. One of the goblins by the door, moved into the fray, moving as to close and lock the door from which the prisoners were emerging. The last goblin seeing the turmoil of the courtyard makes a run for the gate to the pasture.
Helping the dwarf out into the open, Saltar props him against the wall and hurries to catch the escaping goblin, not noticing the goblin now hidden behind the door.
Elric pulls out his rapier and attacks the second guy, with a quick slashing motion, severely wounding his left arm. Quickly Jade followed up the attack with a hit across his forehead, knocking him unconscious but not dealing a fatal blow. By this time, Saltar caught up with goblin fumbling with the gate trying to escape. Dealing a surprise attack on the fleeing goblin with a smooth motion of his Heavy mace instantly knocks the goblin out, for good. A goblin emerges from behind the door attempting to attack the injured dwarf, pulling out a morning star and makes for a surprise attack, but narrowly misjudged the dwarf’s position. Given the narrow miss, the dwarf quickly knocks the goblin flat dropping his war axe on the goblins head.
The final goblin having finally calmed the small pony climbs on his back although he is still trapped within the small-enclosed pasture. Unused to being ridden the pony goes only a few feet then begins to buck and rear knocking the goblin to the ground, and breaking his arm in the process. Unable to escape any more, and having hurt his weapon arm, the goblin surrenders, to the approaching Saltar.
Finding rope amidst the smithing items Elric ties the two unconscious goblins together. Then runs to see what was being guarded by the second door he approaches cautiously. Saltar being none too kind to the now captive goblin picks him up by the nape of the neck and takes him over to the smithing area to tie him up. Jade meanwhile helps the dwarf over to one of the benches.
Saltar throws the goblin to the ground in front of an anvil. “Speak, what is in the other door?” he questions.
“Treasure” the goblin stutters in broken common, “ransoms from the others”
“Ransoms? From the others?” Saltar queried again.
“The other people that were kidnapped” stammered the goblin, “like you, the child of royal blood, and well-to-do families.”
While Saltar questioned the goblin Jade aided the Dwarf, “now that we are somewhat safe for the moment,” Jade explained quietly, “Let’s see if I can help your leg” Slowly and carefully laying her hands gently on the dwarf's ankle Jade channeled energy and used it to heal the dwarf.
“Thank you my dear” the dwarf said slowly moving his foot “feels much better now, by the way I am Matthias Rolf Swordsteel” He said taking her hand “I am pleased to meet you Miss Wolf” he whispered
“It is Jade now Mr. Swordsteel,” Jade whispered, “since you have certain knowledge I hope you know that I no longer have any ties to that name.” Jade quietly rebuked.
“It’s a shame…” Matthias sighed, “I am glad to meet you Jade” He continued whispers forgotten, “Saltar, tie up the goblin and let’s check out the cave of treasures.”
Of Quills and Quarrels Part 4
“It’s a shame…” Matthias sighed, “I am glad to meet you Jade” He continued whispers forgotten, “Saltar, tie up the goblin and let’s check out the cave of treasures.”“There seems to be no traps,” Elric surmised, “and the lock but a play thing shall we search for treasures?” Elric queried while opening the door for the others. When the half-orc entered, he saw the priceless jewels of three families. Five fire opals, ten black pearls, and half a dozen rings of various types. As Elric entered his mouth watered, how great a day he has had so far.
“We can’t take them” the Mathias said staunchly.
“I agree, but we can’t leave this here” Saltar responded.
“We could return them to there owners” offered Elric ‘and get rewarded’ he hoped.
“How do we know where they came from? We can’t just ask if someone lost some jewels” Jade queried.
“Quite the predicament, I see” contemplated Mathias, “Let us think more on this later, I do believe it is past dusk and we have no place to stay tonight.”
Using his rapier to poke the goblin captive, Elric questioned him, “So where are the others?” He asked lifting the goblins chin with the rapier.
“Others?” he stammered in broken common, “What others? Just us.”
“So you are saying that five goblins kidnapped a half orc, two humans and a dwarf?” Elric queried. “Maybe the five of you took down the girl, but I know it wasn’t you that captured me.” Elric stated.
Jade huffed off, clearly offended by the prior statement. She couldn’t stand Elric. He was so full of himself. Jade walked to the pasture area away from the interrogations. She took up a spade and found a soft spot of dirt on the north wall of the compound. Slowly digging a small bit, she made a grave for the fallen goblin. She had no ties to the goblin but she couldn’t leave the body unattended to. Instead of making work of the task, she dug the grave with more like a science. This hadn’t been the first person she buried, and she knew it was far from her last. After placing the body into the grave she had dug, she said a small prayer and covered him and left.
Returning to the camp Jade overheard the group, “Well at least we know why we are here, and what we are up against.” Elric said.
Saltar nodded, “we need to figure out where we go from here,” he sighed. He picked up the interrogated goblin by the scruff of the neck. “Get some sleep with your pals” Saltar suggested throwing the goblin unceremoniously in to the recently escaped dungeon, carefully locking the door. “We have no more need for them, except to keep them from letting anyone know we aren’t captives anymore.” Saltar explained.
“I agree,” Matthias nodded, “With someone on watch we shall be safe till first light here, but then we shall head away from here, quickly.”
“I shall take first watch,” Saltar offered, “A few hours before dawn I will wake you, and we can leave at dawn,” Saltar nodded to Matthias.
“I do believe the nice city of Emyr is due west of here, if we leave here at dawn” Elric figured his math in the air. “We should get to Emyr by high sun, the authorities there would be rightful people to find the owners of the ransoms and return them in kind.” Elric knowledgably explained.
“we could” Mathias pondered, I have never been to Emyr myself,” He explained, “I was on my way there earlier, might as well continue, then return later to the Great Vine”
“I was visiting in Emyr when I was caught unawares,” Jade recalled. “I am still unsure behind the reasoning for this kidnapping. Might someone explain what you found out from the goblin?” She inquired.
“Oh, of course Jade” Mathias said realizing she had been left out of the loop in on information, “It seems as though the goblins, were merely guards of the captives. The captives, us, were kidnapped because of our royal blood or great wealth. The goblin was unsure as to who actually they were working for, and their motives. It seems as though there were five others that brought each of us, but each time that the goblins saw these people they looked different. I think that Changelings may explain this. While we were held our families were being asked for ransoms for our safe return.” Mathias explained. “As you may have noted I, Mathias Rolf Swordsteel, am no common dwarf, I the heir to the Dwarven Chieftain, although he is healthy and still long of life, I am his only son of his wife.”
“I too am from royal lineage,” Saltar revealed. “Although, No longer a powerful family because of the mixed blood. Nevertheless, we still have pride. And our inheritance is great. My blood is that of Great orc-ish warriors and royal human maidens.” Saltar glowed.
“I am a nobleman’s son, though I have cast his life aside, and chosen a higher path for myself, my blood is still pure and my family still seeks for me to come back.” Elric admitted.
“I see, they that captured you three captured great prizes for ransom,” Jade acknowledged. “But…” She hesitated, “I am heir to no throne, and have no riches. I am just a stone cast aside to find the crystal beside it.” Jade sighed.
“No royal blood? They made a mistake I suppose, though you didn’t come across well-bred like Saltar, Matthias and I” Elric surmised, “You aren’t polished like us, even those well bred lost in a thousand peasants become refined.”
“Most likely I was mistaken for a recent acquaintance of mine in Emyr I suppose,” Jade responded biting her tongue, and restraining her self, “I was leaving the Barron’s daughters place, when I was ambushed, I suppose it was a simple case of mistaken identity, well I should sleep, please call me if anything happens during the night.” Jade finished and turned to climb into a sack to sleep.
“I have a small abode in Emyr if anyone were to need lodging when we arrive. Any time you need my doors shall be open to you.” Elric obliged “As for me I shall retire to be ready for what ever adventures tomorrow shall hold.” Elric also then retired to a sack near Jade.
Nodding to Saltar, Matthias retired also leaving the lone night guardsman to tend to the night.
The night was dark; being only the second night after a new moon, the crescent sliver barely graced them with its presence. All was quiet as Saltar made a walk around the compound the crickets chirped softly and the pony nickered occasionally as he grazed and slept. The sliver of moon that was present, danced between the clouds and across the sky. As the moon danced halfway across the sky and started on its last quarter Saltar awoke Matthias to take watch.
Mathias woke and walked the perimeter of the compound, stopping to pat the pony grazing in the pasture, satisfied that all was calm he returned to the smithing area to keep watch. Thinking nostalgically back to his home and his first watch, he hummed a little tune. He had been happy to see Jade today; he had met her, though that was before. It was evident now that it was wrong. She was strong, though they would never admit it, and it seems that she has learned to get along on her own. He was so impressed, what was she 17 now? It was two winters ago when she had come of age and how she had changed, but her sweetness was still there, and evidently her royal blood. As he reminisced of four years ago, the moon completed its dance and started to retire, as the sun broke the seal of night.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylavash on April 13, 2008
"the story continues as the group leaves their prison and sallies forth(I always wanted to use that phrase) They are headed to Emyr, but what lies between them and their goal is mystifying. "
Of Quills and Quarrels 5
Matthias poked the smoldering embers; Bringing out a lick of flame. Putting a pan of water on to heat and adding some of his special Dwarven drought to the water. As it came up hot, the scent wafted to the sleeping comrades and woke them from their restful slumber.Sniffing wildly, coming to full wakefulness, Elric made his way to the fire. “Ah! The rejuvenating scent of Dwarven Drought in the morning,” He exclaimed. “I stayed for two summers with the Bark Tree clan, was treated like the son of the Dwarven chief, I was, Ah what great things I learned” Elric explained as he took it upon himself to pour a cup for everyone.
“Elric, this may be stronger then that of the Bark Tree clan especially that which was made for the son of the chieftain, this is more the general’s drought,” Matthias warned. “Sip a little then let it settle, sadly there are no rations, but this should tide us till High sun.”
They all sat and sipped a few minutes, all but Elric who ignoring Matthias’ warning, chugged down the drought. Both the Dwarf and the half orc sipped down the cup of drought cheerfully, though after a few sips, knowing its strength was not truly meant for humans, Jade passed the remainder of her cup to Matthias to finish, giving a silent nod of thanks. Elric quickly stumbled to his feet and started to gather things to take with them. Realizing the truth too late in the dwarfs words Elric swayed and fought for control of his body trying to keep it upright and moving.
Jade, rejuvenated by the drought also started to gather things about camp. Wandering here and there gathering random bits of leather and iron confused her companions who couldn’t figure out what she was doing. Saltar and Matthias decided to leave her to her bidding and went to examine the ransoms. They had no way to take it with them, carrying such things in hand a half days walk would not do. Nor could they leave it here for someone else to take, though it looked as though there were no other choices. They thought to find a way to lock it up better. They went and looked about the camp for something to use. Surveying the area, they discovered what Jade had been doing. Right now, she was sifting hay off what looked to be a cart tipped on its side against the wall. They turned and looked to the pony, and saw what else her hard work had reaped. The pony now standing steady next to the gate, had a halter and harnessed ready for the cart to be attached. Slowly hauling the cart behind her Jade passed through the first gate and took it out through the second, moving carefully not to spook the pony. When she had, it set just outside the gate she turned and came back to them.
“The pony can easily pull the cart, and as I suspected, he is very used to it. This way we can bring the ransoms with us easier.” Jade announced. “If you would like to pack the wagon I will hitch up the pony.”
“We shall bring the ransoms around,” Saltar replied as he turned back to the dungeon.
Jade went back to the pony, and led him over to the cart. When she hooked the harness to it, the pony didn’t flinch, just held steady ready to work, “well boy” Jade whispered “you will get a nice work out today, but I will make sure you get some good oats when we get back to town.” The pony nickered softly.
Saltar and Elric approached the cart with a few sacks of ransoms and supplies. Saltar packed the bags expertly and evenly into the cart. “No wonder, the goblin couldn’t ride this little feller. Not made to be ridden, not when he holds a cart like that” Saltar patted the pony. “I think you deserve a name, I don’t like calling you pony all the time”
“Firenze is the name for him.” Matthias stated.
“Firenze, yes that sounds good”
“We could,” Elric interjected, “take these ransoms to the King of Emyr, he is a good man, and shall be obligated to return these items to their proper families.”
That seems to be a fair solution,” Saltar replied, “we can make our appeal when we get there; surely he may want to know what is going on out here.”
Matthias Nodded, “Shall we head out? Hopefully we shall arrive in Emyr by high sun”
As they set off the sun peeked over the far hill and warmed their backs as they walked towards the Emyr city walls
Treading through the grassland the way was smooth for the group. They expected no trouble and didn’t try to hide, but were wary as they should be, for the lesser populated areas away from the city had little enforcement of laws. They walked west the grass changed from soft grasses, to high, thick hay fields, nearly four foot high in places. At these times, the dwarf was hidden in the grasses, but the keen eye could pick him out treading to the outside near the pony.
Suddenly Saltar stopped. In front of him, he saw a woman walking toward him, but then she disappeared into the taller grass, leaving only a ripple in the hay. “Hold your positions everyone,” Saltar spoke, “We are not alone, anymore.”
By instinct Elric readied his bow, Matthias lifted his great axe and Jade changed hands with her quarter staff. Then all went quiet. Each of them listened … looked… and felt, the field around them…
“2 behind,” Matthias whispered.
Three on the right” Jade slipped in.
“One to the left, and something,” Saltar paused, “Big straight ahead”
“The leader is straight ahead… he is big… and not going to be easy” Elric foreshadowed.
“Leave Firenze, Elric and Saltar left then straight, Jade and I will take the left and back” Matthias directed.
Dropping the lead of the pony Jade slipped right to confront the first of the enemies she knew was there. It seemed to be a lesser Demon, who struck out with his claws, barely missing with his left and scraping across Jade’s shoulder with his right. Jade, seemingly un-phased by his attack slams her Quarter staff into his abdomen. The dretch, stunned and winded from the sudden attack, slunk back into the brush and hid for a respite. As Jade attempted to recover she was attacked on her left by what she perceived was a boy charging at her with a short sword, slightly sidestepping, Jade nearly dodged the attack but receiving a cut across her thigh. Despite or because of the pain she slammed her Staff down upon the boy’s shoulder effectively disarming and dealing a bit of pain. Distraught and unarmed now the boy attempts to grapple Jade, who hits him in his lower back, effectively knocking him unconscious. Jade surveys her enemy, then sure, that he will no longer cause any trouble, but was still alive, turns to help Matthias.
Meanwhile, Matthias had stolen from his position and had snuck up beside his foe. Charging his unaware opponent, Matthias Slams his War axe into the dretch’s leg, breaking it cleanly. Turning the dretch stabs Matthias with his left claw, unable to reach him with his right; he tries to bite Matthias, narrowly missing the dwarf. Matthias taking advantage of his opponent’s lack of mobility knocks the dretch to the ground cutting the back of his other leg. From behind Matthias, the first dretch reappears and rakes his back with his claws. Turning Matthias takes his axe and rams it into the dretch’s side. Seeing this Jade rushes over and whacks the dretch in the head with her Staff. The dretch falls unconscious to the ground.
“None to soon my dear,” Matthias gratified, “I see your combat skill hasn’t weakened since I saw you last, would you mind?” Matthias asked holding out his axe. Jade Smiled, held the head of the axe and spoke a few words and small energy encircled the axe then faded away.
“Another couple back this way,” Jade said turning, disappearing through the brush. Jade ran through the brush listening to the sounds of the enemies, pinpointed as to their location she decided to attack the closer of the two, another dretch; she was beginning to hate them things. Holding her quarter staff in her right hand out stretched forward, she moved forward and charged into the dretch, spearing him at the shoulder and knocking him down to the ground. She steps onto the dretch’s shoulder and pulled her Staff out, then knocked the dretch on the side of the head, knocking him out. The second of the enemies, seemingly a young girl, proceeded to charge at Jade and she barely dodged the blunt of the force but still received a deep cut to the side of her thigh. Matthias rushed out from behind the girl, flanked her and hit his axe into her side. Jade scurried back a step and swung her staff into the girl knocking her unconscious.
“You’re hurt Jade” Matthias motioned to her leg.
“Mere scratches,” Jade replied laying a hand on her leg and chanting something. Small flickers of energy danced from Jade’s hands to her legs. “Yours look a bit worst then mine,” Jade said moving and laying a hand on Matthias’ back, and chanting something, and small bits of energy danced from her hands to his back.
“Mere scratches Jade, let’s catch up with the others” Matthias replied turning to the west.
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