Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
My partner for a year.
Twenty One.The number I am currently inhabiting.
Representing love, infrequent joy and familiar misery.
The pursuit of happiness joins hands with this chiffre.
Its precedent, the lonely twenty, was far more eventful.
It sighs as I leave it for good, as I step into a more somber age.
Whatever happened to eighteen, where nothing mattered?
Whatever happened to nineteen, where realities dawned on me daily?
Whatever happened to twenty, when you and I still enjoyed others company?
Is the beginning of this number's era meant to be doubtful and unknown?
I feel like I am stepping on egg shells,
would not want to upset twenty one.
It is hard enough to cohabit with it to begin with.
Maybe twenty two will be better,
or maybe I can make twenty one the new twenty,
since reaching nineteen again is very doubtful.
But for now, since I have no choice,
I will continue to bare twenty one,
as you have moved on to higher numbers,
and hope that one day our double digits get along
and that I continue to be in love with you, twenty two.
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