Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by EmeM on October 1, 2010
"This little poem is just a bit of fun. I am not very good at writing and I hope to improve.."
My Perfect Location
It would be fun to live in a boxCosy and warm and snug as can be
Although a box would have no locks
Id rather live under the sea
It would be fun to live in a palace
As grand as the Queens and as big as can be
And to dine with the mad hatter like Miss Alice
But, Id rather live under the sea
It would be fun to live in a Tree
As high as a mountain and green as can be
With the wind in your hair, you'd feel so free
But, Id rather live under the sea
This perfect location is hard to find
Its small and fruity and fun as can be
It the perfect place for me to unwind
In a pineapple under the sea :)
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