Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Angela on October 4, 2007
"^^ Author hopes you guys enjoy this poem... she's afraid to say that it's a got a twist because then it would make the poem predictable..."
Nobody really knew me,Nobody had cared.
Nobody was there for me,
When I was hurt or scared.
Nobody would play games with me,
Like tag or hide and seek.
Nobody would listen to me
When I wanted to speak.
Nobody was there for me
When I was really sad.
Nobody would calm me down
When I was really mad.
Nobody shared cookies with me
Or candy or toys or books.
Nobody made me feel better
When people gave weird looks.
Nobody laughed with me
When I had jokes to make.
Nobody had rescued me
When I almost drowned in the lake.
Nobody was my best friend
And I'm still sad to this day.
I always wonder to myself
Why did he have to go away?
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