Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Angela on October 8, 2007
"Author wrote this one to be different from what she thought would be the common writing idea that everyone else has. Plus, she had a bad weekend so thinking doesn't work for her today so she skimped on some of the details and imagery. Sorry guys, she knows how you guys just love imagery. =("
The Mountain Peak
The air was still and silent; yet, it was surprisingly cool outside. The sky was relatively dark now, as if the light was obscurred, if only partially, by a giant curtain. At the top of a gargantuan mountain we were precariously placed. On the peak of this landscape my comrades and I stood. Light shone in from between the neighboring mountains and casted a forboding shadow on the camp my companions were setting up.We looked down the long and labourous climb we made and saw nothing but a blanket of white. That was all. No mooses, birds, or any mythical beasts. No stacks of smoke billowing from houses or other camps. No, this mountain was empty today. Empty of life except for us. Off into the distance, there was another chain of mountains (also white today) that we eventually may brave one day. Beyond them, a pale river slowly flowed down the base of the mountain to form a relatively large lake of lucious baby blue.
As my friends and I continued to set up the camp, we suddenly felt a vibration beneath our boots. "Avalance!" thought one of the newer adventurers. Yet, the other veterans and I knew better. A loud sound emitted from somewhere far off.
"Billy! Put those toys away! It's time for your nap!"
"'kay Mommy!"
And thus, as we were removed by an outside force and placed back in the toy chest. The white blanket we clambered on slowly started to lose altitude and flattened until it was no more.
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