Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Knights of the Seasons
by Brett G. RudderIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Knights of the Seasons
Sir Spring
Spring, spring, what doest thou bring?Said she to her knight
Bringst thou life and love and happiness
And make each day so bright?
Spring spring, any living thing
Said he to his queen
Doest what I bring please your shimm'ring eyes
And bathe your world in light?
Spring, spring, how canst thou bring
A world so full of love
A season full of heavn'ly joyful things
With sunshine from above?
Spring, spring, my will to please you most
Said he to his queen
I color th'world green and bring new life
For your time; anything
--Brett G. Rudder
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