Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by CdnGhost on January 12, 2009
"The piece wrote itself as I struggled with—and eventually solved—one of the Evil Dictator's "Entrapment" puzzles."
ProblemsThe problem with solving the unsolved problem
Is not knowing that the problem can be solved.
But when solving a problem that's already been solved
Not knowing isn't a problem, at all.
And here, my dear, is where intelligence comes in,
As with speed and ne'er hint of forethought,
Our minds intuitively know somehow
The unsolvable problem is not.
Here we shine above all mankind;
But appreciative the masses are not.
'T'is their view we're trying to show them all up
When in fact we're simply being we.
We have no control, and would not if we did,
Of not letting our minds run free.
For only by freeing our minds, my dear,
Can we ever know freedom and peace.
Perhaps, I suppose, that's our mission in life,
To show the masses a way,
A new way of living that obviates strife,
That substitutes war with life.
If only mankind could open its eyes
And cast off its blinders imposed
By centuries of war, of death and despair
And see there's an easier way
To obtain true freedom, to live all in peace;
To self-govern our planet as one.
To know that our differences make us unique
And allow us to accept one another
That we don't need to be
Of one mind, don't you see,
It's our minds that make us all free.
Freedom of thought, the sharing of minds,
They're the key to op'ning all doors
For without all those doors can we all finally see
We are as God meant us to be.
A race quite unique,
That knows of no feat,
Of no problem that cannot be solved.
And perhaps one day, at our childhood's end,
The universe we'll collectively meet.
The problem with solving the unsolved problem
Is not knowing that the problem can be solved.
But when solving a problem that's already been solved
Not knowing isn't a problem, at all.
And here, my dear, is where intelligence comes in,
As with speed and ne'er hint of forethought,
Our minds intuitively know somehow
The unsolvable problem is not.
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