Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by CdnGhost on April 27, 2014
"A short piece of mixed-beat poetry, with a very clear message.
To quote the late Andy Griffith, "Ain't nuthin', wurth anithin', what's easy.""
To quote the late Andy Griffith, "Ain't nuthin', wurth anithin', what's easy.""
Wondering Blue
Everything I can do,Is still far away.
Everything I should do,
I must do, today.
Everything I should do,
I've done before dawn,
Would that I could sleep,
But there's too much to do.
Moreso now, that she's left me glum and blue.
Wondering, still wondering, whatever will I do?
Without her beside me, I'm one---not two.
CdnGhost ©27 June 2013
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