Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by co083121 on March 16, 2012
"Have you made up your mind yet? I have. Here's a short list of some things that will be different this year."
I Resolve...
I resolve to be more sensitive to my friends and family's needs.I resolve to read my bible every day and not to give up.
I resolve not to give in to the urge to explode.
I reslove to help others when nobody's helping them.
I....resolve to end my procrastinating ways once and for all!
I resolve never to let a day go by without praying to GOD.
I reslove not to talk about gays, blondes, fat people, nerds or anyone differnt than myself.
I resolve to lose my 30+ pounds and start practicing parkour.
I....resolve to change a life this year.
I resolve never to give up on a person.
I will not back down from what I know that is right!
I'm an example, I have many people looking at me. Ready to laugh if I fail, ready to cry if I fall and ready to celebrate when I cross the finish line.
I resolve never to lower my standards to please anyone, I'm not a people pleaser.
I resolve to stand up for righteousness and defend my brothers who are in need.
I will never stand down when my enemy is threatening my loved ones, I'm situated on a rock, therefore I can't be moved.
I....reslove to be a man that his actions far out weighs his words.
I......reslove to be a man of action!
I resolve.
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