Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Peanut on January 11, 2010
"This is not autobiographical!"
I had no idea so much trouble could be caused by one little dime. One thin sticky weightless dime.
I know, I know, I shouldn't have called him in the first place - I mean so much could have been avoided if I hadn't been able to dig that dime out of the bottom of my purse but I did and so get over it already.
Okay, so he told me not to call anymore and I didn't listen. I'm a reckless fool with no common sense but don't I deserve a pass on the one crazy thing I ever did in my life?
Yes, I'm aware that its an exaggeration to say this phone call was the only crazy thing I ever did but don't you think it's unfair to land in jail over a simple phone call? Just one teeny tiny phone call?
I mean I did violate the restraining order and everything but it's not like I'm that nut job in Fatal Attraction. I didn't break into his house and boil a rabbit or anything. Besides he doesn't have a rabbit, he has a cat. Mr. Whiskas.
So anyway, I'm waiting to make my one phone call. I don't need a dime for this one thank goodness because I don't think there's another one at the bottom of my purse.
I'm just not sure who I should call. Who to call . . . . . ? . . . .
Maybe I should call him to apologize. I mean I do owe him an apology right? Nobody can fault an apology phone call can they?
Oh good it's my turn -
- wish me luck!
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