Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
You Better Watch Out!
Dear Santa,As usual, my letter to you is way late and I've missed the Christmas Eve deadline, but you know with work and the kids I don't have much time for much of anything let alone a letter to Santa. Sigh. I meant to write earlier, truly I did but little Jack got the flu and big Jack once again blew his paycheck at the casino and it was all I could do to get stuff under the tree because as usual you were too busy stopping at the bar on the way home to spend time with the boys instead of coming home to me - I mean - to Mrs. Claus. Anyway, there's nothing I really want except not to lose what is left of my mind but I'm afraid it may be too late for that .
Best wishes to you, the Missus and all the elves. It must be nice to have so many people working for you.
Mrs. Eloise Crabapple
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