Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
What the -
Damn it all to hell, I snarled as I awoke to the manic ringing of my doorbell. It was 7:00 on the only morning I ever get to sleep in. I angrily threw the covers back, stomped to the door and flung it open.There stood a little girl of about nine. I softened a bit. "Yes?" I asked. She stared at me for a moment, saying nothing. What little maternal instincts I possessed reared up. "Do you know help?" I asked.
Finally, she spoke. "I don't know." she said. "One minute I was playing in the yard with my brother Jem, and the next, I'm standing here."
"Wait a minute," I said. Your brother's name is Jem?
"Uh huh."
"Jem Finch?"
Her eyes grew wide and she swallowed hard. "Yes. But how do you know that?"
Now I was speechless.
"Do you know my brother?" she asked.
"Um, not really." I replied. I took a deep breath. "Is your name Scout?" She made a little startled sound and stepped back.
"How do you know that? Who are you?"
"Come here," I said and led her into my apartment and over to a bookcase. I searched for, and found, the book I was looking for. I turned and showed it to her.
She read the title. "To Kill a Mockingbird". She looked up at me. "I don't understand."
"This book is about you, Jem, Dill, and your father, Atticus."
She looked at me, confused.
I opened the book. "Look, see?" I showed her some pages. "It's all about your life in Maycomb", I said. "Back during the great depression."
She looked at me silently, her little face a study in confusion.
"I'll get you a glass of milk and then I'll read you some, okay?" I asked her.
She nodded, but said nothing.
When I returned from the kitchen, she was nowhere to be found. I searched my apartment, I looked in the hall, but she was gone.
I poured the milk down the drain, rinsed the glass and put it in the sink.
"That's it." I told myself. Next time I go to a party, I'm sticking to beer. No more mixing drinks."
I got back in bed, pulled the covers up to my chin, and closed my eyes. Sleep came, but only after I replayed the whole scene in my head many times.
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