Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Let the Oppressed Go Free and Break Every Yoke
It's time for a change. It's time for all men and women everywhere to stand and be counted. It's time for all of us to shake our fists high in the air, open wide our mouths and declare: enough is enough!We will not be swayed. We will not be turned. And we will NOT be intimidated! We have rights, we know our rights, and we wil STAND on our rights!
Life is short enough, difficult enough, without our government placing unfair and unreasonable restrictions on us, interfering not just in our lives, but controlling even our innermost creative instincts. And it is time for a CHANGE!
(pause while supporters scream and cheer, then speak more softly)
Friends, you know, that deep down inside, you want the same things I want. You want to see the shackles of this dictatorial government broken in two. As the Good Book says, we will loosen the bonds of wickedness, undo the bands of the yoke. We will let the oppressed go free, and we...will...break...EVERY...YOKE!
Friends, there's no denying it. You too are bound under that yoke, and it is my most sincere, solemn, and devoted promise to you, that if I am elected, I will break that yoke. If I am given this position of power, I will let all the oppressed go free.
If you vote me into this high and exalted position of FMOF Dougtator, I swear to you that I will remove that ticking fifteen minute timer from the top of this web page!
Thank you, and good night.
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