Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on February 16, 2009
"I spent the weekend in Eagle Lake, Maine and Fort Kent, Maine. I formed several quick impressions of winter life up there, based on what I saw, and talking to a few people. So I have several ideas for additional stanzas for this poem - hopefully I'll get them written before the ideas escape my head!
I'm using slant rhymes for this poem as well."
I'm using slant rhymes for this poem as well."
Northern Maine - I
Down here in Southern Maine where I resideDoes Old Man Winter make his presence known
With biting winds and snow, and deep'ning night;
Yet this is not the place that he calls home.
Far north, amidst the wide and rolling hills
That old curmudgeon makes his frosty lair,
With furied strokes, churns snow into the wind,
And with contempt breathes ice upon the air.
A painter, of a grim and lifeless school,
His loathsome palette stingy and austere:
He leeches colors from the nearby hills
And leaves a dismal, purple-gray decor.
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