Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Oh, What Can I Give to an Infant So Small?
Oh, what can I give to an infant so small,To a child meant for splendor of heaven's great halls?
The wise-men had incense and gold they could share,
Yet I am a poor man with naught to compare.
Oh, what can I give to an infant so small,
To a child laid to sleep in a grim cattle stall?
My words on the page, or the songs I could sing,
They're a weak and unsuitable tribute to bring.
Oh, what can I give to an infant so small,
To a child who would grow to be Savior of all?
Not even my heart is a gift to be made,
For a gift is no gift when the price has been paid.
So what shall I give to this infant so small,
Before whom all kingdoms and peoples will fall?
To heal broken hearts, oh, this little one came;
So with childlike compassion, I'll do just the same.
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