Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on December 24, 2010
"Just imagine a young child's somewhat confused perspective on Christmas..."
A Child's Perspective on Christmas
Jesus was born on Christmas because God wanted him to get more presents than anyone on his birthday. It was a special year and they were having a big Christmas party in Bethlehem because it was the last year of B.C. They called it "Census" instead of "Christmas" because they spoke Jewish instead of American like everyone else. It was very crowded and noisy.There were shepherds that were stuck out on a hill, and I think some of them were stuck because they didn't have four-wheel drive and the snow was deep, but also because there was no room at the inn. They were very cold, and they were mad, too, because they were the only ones who didn't have a place to hang their Christmas stockings.
There were some sheep out there, too, and it was lucky for them, because it meant they had someone to watch over them during the night and make sure the Grinch didn't eat them, because that's what Grinches do when they aren't stealing Census trees.
Then all of a sudden Gabriel showed up, singing Deck the Halls, I think. The shepherds knew it was him, because his belly jiggled like Santa's, but he was wearing white instead of red. And his elves showed up too, and they all sang the Hallelujah Chorus from the Handy Messiah, which was really nice, and the shepherds all stood up and stomped their feet and clapped because they were so cold.
Then Gabriel told them that Jesus was born, and they should hurry to go wish him Merry Census because the wise men wouldn't get there on time. They got lost on the way because someone was flying a kite with a big tail, and they thought it was the Census star.
Then the shepherds took their sheep and ran down the hill to town, and they saw the baby, and they were so excited that they started singing Go Tell It on the Mountain which is all about shepherds and stuff, and they didn't even give Jesus any presents because they were poor, but if it was me, I would have given him some wool to keep him warm. I don't think the sheep would have minded at all.
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