Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Sidewalks and Hallways
I’m sure you must be speaking,But there’s static in your voice
And on your face.
Perhaps I’ve seen you on the street,
Passing by with matching stride,
And only glanced into your face
For just a moment as our feet
Carried each to other worlds
Of mentality and space.
Perhaps you’ve lingered on the edge
Of a gathering of friends,
In those obligated circles
Of acquaintance; concentrating
On a shoe, or staring spaced-out
At a painting on the wall,
As I also tend to do.
I’m sorry if I failed you –
Are you always in the hall,
On the stairs, in the street,
Passing by, never stopping,
Never looking me in the eye?
I would not walk away
If the static faded out,
And I heard your voice
And found I understood.
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