Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Laura on November 7, 2007
"I was bored in class, and tired of doodling, so I wrote this."
These tired paths
The road is running somewherebelow my feet, or maybe it's
lost in sleep, as I would
hope to be, laying passive
as all runs over on its
way to somewhere else.
And yet roads stay and
never move as I do,
down every straightaway,
steering every curve in search
of sleep around the bend,
down past the lines of trees
that flank these tired paths,
and stand pointing to the
dark sky in cold repose.
If I could take some rest
from them, and let the humming
wheels soothe me to sleep
against cool asphalt with
pine trees above me, I would
be happy - happy if it all
just stopped running.
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