Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
My pockets
Breaking out the old bulky jacket for the season,I frisk it first,
and turn out the past winter's pockets
to make room for fresh junk.
I'm left with a copy of last year's bus schedule,
two dirty pennies no doubt picked up from random
parking lots, a mostly-dead battery that I was
holding onto until I could find a trash can,
three gum wrappers kept for the same purpose,
one with gum,
a scrap of paper from a menu on which
I'd written down a phone number from
a flier advertising a job six months ago,
an old deposit slip, and two used (and dried)
Tomorrow's landfill fodder spent one more season
in a safe, dry place, and that's okay with me.
Just call me the walking wastebasket.
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