Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Eric on March 10, 2009
"Could someone tell me how I could make the ending more powerful? "
A Patch of Blue
You hear your favourite song on the radio, just as you finish your hot shower, drying yourself with hot towels out from the dryer. Maybe there are patches of black around your eyes from that long distance call which lasted from twelve to two in the morning. It was your first love – you think of her as you walk towards a really good concert, and as you do, you overhear someone quietly commenting on how great your eyes look. When the concert ends, you walk around the shops, finding out that your favourite sweater is on sale for half price. After getting that special glance from the female cashier, you unconsciously place your hands into your pockets, only to discover the twenty dollar bill you left there last winter. You buy a milkshake. As you drink it, you meet an old friend, and are left feeling great as you catch up, realizing that some things about people never change. It’s good to know that there are some people in the world you know you can cry on and talk about your deepest problems. While walking back home, you enjoy the golden sunset as you laugh for absolutely no reason at all. As the sun melts into the horizon, you lie in bed, just listening to the rain. The simple things are the best things in life, and indeed, you know that.More writing by this author
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