Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Esperanza (translated)
Hay muchas cosas en este mundoMuchas, muchas cosas
Hay muchas cosas que tu quieres hacer
Que yo quiero hacer
Que todos queremos hacer
Pero he descubierto algo
Que hay cosas
Cosas raras
Que sabemos que algún día vamos a tener
Entonces tú esperas
Yo espero
Todos esperamos
Por algo que ya sabemos va a pasar
Y por esa razón,
Se encuentra en espera
En esperanza
By Gabriel May
There are many things in this world
Many, many things
There are many things that you want to do
That I want to do
That all of us want to do
But I have discovered something
That there are thing
Rare things
That we know day we will have
So I you wait
I wait
We all wait
For something we know will happern
And for that reason
You find the word wait
In hope
(In spanish, the word espera means "to wait" and "espera" is in "esperanza" which means hope, so hope means waiting on something that is inevitable going to take place)
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