Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by gabemay on October 6, 2010
Writing Prompt Top 10
10). Re-write any famous story, movie, poem, ect. from the perspective of the antagonist.9). Re-write the ending to the short story: The Lady or the Tiger by Frank Stockton
8). Write a poem using an extended metaphor as the backbone to your main theme/message.
7). Write a coming-to-age poem (where the narrator changes drastically through age and matures or realizes something), using specific grammer, syntax, language, punctuation, and tone to evolve with the character/narrator.
6). Write a poem or a short story from the perspective of an object.
5). Write something about your generation.
4). Write a short story in the perpective of somebody opposite your sex.
3). Write a short story about you getting a power to control one of the four eternal elements, and how you have three other siblings that have control over the other elements.
2). Write a poem in which two people talk to each other, every other stanza is from the perspective of another
1). Either write the first chapter to a book, or re-write the first or last chapter to your favorite book.
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