Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Mr. Human
Dear Human,How would you like to be pricked
and nudged and poked at while
tall men in white lab coats
hovered around you like careful
bees? How would you like to
be under the ever-changing
magnifying glass as those
from afar argued over what
they see in you? How would you
like to be examined? Or defined?
How would you feel if you were
talked about by some drone who is a
stranger to you but you are no
stranger to them? (Imaginatively
I mean). How would you like
even more strangers droning on about
who they think you are, giving
dull input, implementing seeds of
boredom in the young soil of the youth?
You would not like to be argued over
when both arguments are wrong or
assumed would you? How would you feel?
Huh? Then, imagine yourself helpless.
You would not like that would you?
No! So then, don't do it to me!
Mr. Literature :)
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