Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Hannah on October 13, 2008
"Dedicated to Mikayla. Not that this is about you, but I was thinking of you when I wrote it. :D"
A Fairy Tale
She was born with a 'kick me' sign on her back.Fate set it there for the world to see
that she was one to whom life would never be fair.
Patters of hoof beats shatter a silent world
of pink dust and golden walls.
She never utters a word,
but simply stands on a floor
in the middle of a toy-filled room,
looking out a dark window with a view of silver stars,
and a full, perfect moon.
Ugly, ruffled curtains are the last to go
in a house empty and deserted.
The cobwebs twist and flutter,
butterfly wings out of the corner of eyes.
Stains of long-past accidents
permanently marking couches and table cloths,
as wild dogs roam with no discipline.
Stairs leading perpetually upwards,
winding around, and never seeming to have a destination.
Foot by ragged footstep,
the weary adventurer climbs,
finding not at the top a beautiful princess
lying on a bed of velvet,
but a dark room and more stairs.
He hopes he can overcome,
but panic locks him in a tight embrace
and refuses to free him.
He stays in the cold stairwell,
wanting only an end to his trials.
Things not desired are feared;
endless dirt roads and no imminent rest stop await him.
Bubbles rising through the dark glass,
popping so quietly only the observant can hear.
She tries to touch the bubbles,
as she makes heart shapes in the foggy glass.
Her fingers are cold and wet
as she turns around and walks to a bed.
Obsessive minds know no rest
from the constant observations of the imperfect.
Seeing and feeling all is too hard,
but it is the gift that she was given,
the burden that she will bear.
Empty dresses hanging from racks of gold
remind her of the lost ones,
the ones who weren't lucky enough to live full lives.
Faded white envelopes of varying sizes,
shattered windows and cracked lives
are the only things roaming this peaceful land.
She hopes for him,
knows he will come, but the wait is long.
He knows just what to say
to make her turn around and stare back at him
as he finally reaches his destination
and walks up to his damsel in distress.
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