Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Trying to see through...Trying to be through.
Trying to learn where I stand.
Who would've thought I'd be here,
watching and waiting for you
to come save me from myself?
I've dragged myself
through the mud and the rain for you.
Why can't you try for me?
Your words are cold;
they cut deep as bone.
You are, but don't;
you only want me for you,
never for me.
Your lies fall from your lips,
destroying my world with choice words
that break my heart and send me sprawling.
I try to plead my case,
but your distorted justice prevails,
and you sentence me unfairly.
You judge harshly and quickly,
never asking for the truth,
only hearing what they want you to hear.
You're a judge carrying a broken gavel,
a King upon a black throne.
You pound your hammer down
as I lie pleading and crying
on my face in the black dust.
Your words are cold,
they cut deep as bone.
You are, but don't;
you only want me for you,
never for me.
You say you love me but your words are dull.
My heart is pounding underneath your feet.
I cry out as your shoe steps down,
and my heart tears open.
I know I have to leave.
It's too much, I know now.
My pain crushes against me as I step outside
into deep sunlight that contradicts
the storm in my head and heart.
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