Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Hannah on October 8, 2008
"My love of Greek mythology comes back as I mention Terror. :D"
Hope's Return
Silent tears scorching across a masked face.Tired lies worn and used to the brink of extinction,
twisting and coursing their way through the dark halls
of Terror's eccentric mind.
The night of a thousand horrors approaches rapidly,
running too quickly through time and space,
pushing action and violence through the cold and crowded streets.
Burning, twisted and hot pain,
like a fire touched to vulnerable skin.
It festers and stutters through dark minds
of horrible fates and crazed eyes.
Blanket darkness, as if the world were gone,
the candle of life sputtering and spitting,
before finally blinking out and dying,
the light leaving only darkness in its wake.
Horrible faces jump out at terrified people,
laughing and proclaiming their intentions
for the world to stumble and tremble in fear.
Laughter rings, too loud and clear-as-glass,
like a bell in early morning stillness,
the cold pressing through thin clothes,
the noise clamoring across the open air.
Nature, God's gift to the world, seems to die
as bombs explode and children scream,
their cries bringing tears to the most hard-hearted.
People talk of things that aren't real,
caring more for the unimportant and the mundane
than for their fellow men-in-arms.
Edge-of-seat crowd thrillers of varying strengths and mind's alteration.
Peace as full and fruitful as a hard day's work.
Smiles of dying men are the hardest to see.
Like watching sin, guilt and horror wash like water
through bodies of participants and onlookers.
Addiction feeds on the weak of body
and the strong of mind.
Susceptible to the hunger, the need, they try to fight.
They continue to lose the battles,
but the war wages on, as they have not failed completely.
Passions drive bodies and minds to madness,
feeding on strengths and hope like a lion a carcass.
Blazing courage filters through bodies
like the thin rays of sunshine through windows.
Attention wavers like a birthday balloon,
soaring across the endless blue sky,
bringing along no passengers, sparing no fellow citizens of air.
Bursts of color flit across an electrified landscape.
Flashes and discordant noise reverberating
across the rough surfaces and leafy grounds.
Large planes set only to confuse the wary traveler
on his long voyage home.
Speed bumps and puddles of rainwater
stand in the way of true greatness,
but they do not truly block the light of achievements and wisdom.
Life's lessons are learned through failure,
but along with failure comes hopelessness
and bright red, terrible anger,
and questions with no plausible answer.
Images of faraway and unmistakably fictitious creatures
floating across widened eyes and flared noses,
tensed for action and terror.
Wonder and hope mix in a confused jumble,
like a ball of yarn in a kitten's claws.
Wings spread as mind and body meld,
flying into deep blue, open sky, and brightness,
the light's source unknown to even the wisest.
A smile spreads across a face used to frowns and tears
as hope blankets the earth far below.
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