Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Hannah on October 27, 2008
"I wrote this for my sister Lindsey. It is supposed to be in her point of view (the first time I've ever done that!) about Taygen, her son who she calls Bubby.
**Update** This was originally a poem, but I changed it to a prose. It was too choppy and this way it flows much better. :D"
**Update** This was originally a poem, but I changed it to a prose. It was too choppy and this way it flows much better. :D"
My Bubby
A rumble, tumble ball of energy, my precious little Bubby. Such a beautiful face, I would die if it were marred. The biggest blue eyes ever seen by our kind here on earth. Such a valiant and strong spirit who waited so long, watching over me while I found my way down the crooked path until he could grace my life with his smile.I don't deserve his touch or his precious little fingers. I can't explain in mere words this overwhelming feeling that washes through my entire body when I think of him and his beautiful, powerful and soldier-like spirit. Wonder pounds through my heart as I tickle his pink toes, and kiss his incredible eyes. I realize that he is mine. My body created his; a part of me shines through his eyes. He is as sunshine through my cloud-filled life, filtering down on all who see.
I can feel his sense of humor, even in his young age. A boy in armor already, willing to fight for his Savior. He made me cry while he was still inside me when I saw the pictures of missionaries going out to stand for their Lord. I could feel his powerful spirit waiting to do His work. Serious and strong, ready to learn so much all at once. He can't move or touch or look fast enough. He can't wait for the adventures that surely await him. There is just not enough time. He can't sleep long. There is too much to learn and do. He loves and adores those around him, and everyone who knows him loves every bit of him.
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