Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Hannah on October 9, 2008
"I was watching the news, and this poem just came to me. It was kind of weird watching my pen move and not really knowing what I was writing yet until I read it when I was done. :P
Oh, yeah, and this is dedicated to my sister Mikayla, because she is obsessed with mysteries. :P"
Oh, yeah, and this is dedicated to my sister Mikayla, because she is obsessed with mysteries. :P"
Tossing and turning, trying to rest,but sleep never comes to the weary souls
of those who regret and those who hate.
Unsolved mysteries, open and closed,
haunt waking dreams and visions of peace
until all that is left are questions
that have no answer and no reasonable subject.
Children are the first hurt in love and war,
though they never complain.
They stand in silence,
their lips sealed shut with the glue of fear,
and watch as Justice dies,
and evil destroys the weak.
Better for hard experiences and incredible fear,
she will never again falter in the face of pain,
but instead will rise up
and crack down on injustice and hate.
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