Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Prayer to God
Oh God,my friends all laugh when they see me pray.
They say that I'm talking to air so thin.
I know I shouldn't care,
I know that You are there,
but it's hard not to hear the things that they say.
I'm scared, Oh Lord.
I'm frightened to get out of bed.
I pray to You to keep me safe;
I pray that I will not be harmed;
I pray that everything will be okay.
If You're there;
if You're listening.
I thought that our nation,
so strong and sure,
was a Christian one,
with rules and values above the others,
and yet we are leading the rest of the world
away from their Gods for monetary gain.
I can find profanity;
I can find whatever I want
on the internet, TV, or on the street.
I can see the things that hurt,
and I can't say a thing about it
because it would be rude to.
It is their right as Americans
to say, do, or be whatever they want
in front of our children.
My role model can be a woman
who has had multiple husbands
and three abortions.
She could have tattoos up and down her arms,
and nose, cheek, and eyebrow piercings.
It wouldn't be normal to have a role model
like Benazir Bhutto or Charlotte Bronte.
People say that growing up is hard;
they say that the teenage years
are harder than any other.
I think I finally agree;
I think I understand what they meant;
what they were trying to say.
I think I do.
They're throwing out the Commandments,
and "in God we trust."
They're not praying in public halls.
To be seen praying is practically against the law;
I have to pray silently,
with hands at my sides,
and eyes open wide.
I can't show the respect that You deserve.
Bless me, Oh Lord;
bless me to be safe.
I fear the things they are putting into me,
the shots and medicines.
I don't know what is in them.
I only know that they make me ill;
I hope they have a use,
though what, I do not know.
I fear every day that I will not come home;
I fear that someone will decide to kill.
I fear a place as un-Godly and fearful
as my own school,
where I can vote for president
the kid who just got out of Juvy.
I can have a pregnant Prom Queen,
but I can't talk about God.
I can read about Vampires and Witches,
but not about Jesus and my faith.
We are not allowed to teach right from wrong;
It is not politically correct
to tell a boy wearing his pants to his knees
that he needs to change.
I pray to You, Oh my God,
that You will bless me;
You will help me
to hold back and stay out of trouble.
For, Oh God I don't think I can take this anymore!
So if I am, by chance, shot today,
I pray the Lord my soul to take!
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